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FAQs- Frequently Asked Questions

About the Trip: FAQ

Do I need travel insurance?

It's a very good idea. The thing about Africa in general is: expect the unexpected.


You must go to your local GP or travel clinic and get yourself a prescription of anti-malarial tablets. Yellow fever is a high risk and most West African countries require you to be immunised before entering their country, so this is compulsory! Hepatitis A and B, along with other viruses and diseases are also prevalent in certain areas so make sure you speak to your GP and organise the appropriate shots.

Jokes aside, bring condoms if you feel you might be active.​

What do I need to bring ?

Try to fit all you think you might need in a 35-50L bag.
A knife, a sleeping bag, a kit of long sleeve as well as the lightest waterproof outfit are strongly suggested.
Hammock, book, fork, flip flops are also all great.
Don't be shy to bring something you might want to share with people from around the world.

How do I find out about visa requirements?

You can always send us a message if you are unsure about the visa requirements for your own country. Wikitravel is where we get part of this type of information as well as embassy websites and overland blogs which generally reply to messages concerning visas.

Make sure your passport is valid for at least a year before the end of the trip.

What is provided?

It will be up to you to bring your own tent and sleeping arrangements. We will supply a large lavvu that can sleep 8 people, however it would be best for everyone to supply their own tent and sleeping bag, so you can at least have some alone time or privacy if needed. Keep in mind that we will be using these for an extended period of time so they can and probably will break as conditions can be harsh at times so make sure to choose a reasonably reliable structure.


In regards to cooking, we will supply a gas burner but ideally there will be a fire to cook on. We will also supply basic cooking equipment for each car (pots and pans). However, it will be up to you to bring and look after your own plate, bowl, cutlery, etc. 

What kind of budget do I need?

For the whole trip, 6000€ is advisable


€ to join desired leg of trip, which covers for a part of the car, car insurance and gas
700€ more or less for all visas
20-40€ a day in average
€ to fly out, insurance and anti-malaria tablets

€ for extra spendings

​Budgeting is really a personal thing, you could be able to live for just a few euros a day just like you can blow a lot of money easily on alcohol, restaurants or multiple new phones from braking them, losing them and giving them away after a few beers.

So trust your gut.

Your Questions, Answered

A bit more about us

VagaBjorn is a seasoned nomad who has lived through a wide array of travelling experiences. He has seen wonderful natural wonders just like he has been able to escape some of the trickiest situations, sometimes on the short side, but always positive and with a new story to share.


Tom is a big dreamer always craving to see more, live more, feel more. Sometimes getting stuck to work in various cities in order to get back on a road.


They met a 6 months overland in 2016 from Malaga to Cape Town. It was a life defining moment for them and this is why they bring you this shorter tour; they want to go back and share some of their favourite parts of Western Africa from Europe down.


Find out more about them in the Get in Touch section


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